2017/11/23 09:02
MEN'S CLUB掲載商品の綿の3レイヤー透湿防水生地を使ったマウンテンパーカー。
CLUTCH Magazine掲載商品のナイロンの3レイヤー透湿防水生地を使いに掲載されたM-1951パーカー(モッズコート)等
The days of cold winter are approaching, but how is everyone going?
In the ARCH ∧ BES (Arcbis) online store, the reservation of the spring and summer items of 2018 will soon begin soon.
We are preparing right now.
Parker Mountain using a 3-layer moisture-permeable waterproof fabric of cotton products listed in MEN'S CLUB.
M-1951Parka(Mods Parka) or the like which is also posted on the CLUTCH Magazine use a layer moisture-permeable waterproof fabric of nylon
Even from this period it is only useful items for layered ring with inner items.
Please do not hesitate to ask.